Monday, October 28

MamaMio Goodbye Stretch Marks Cream Review

Goodbye Stretch Marks by MamaMio is a cream that is clinically proven to effectively remove those ugly stretch marks caused primarily by pregnancy, weight gain, as well as cosmetic surgery. It contains a potent mixture of extracts, essential oils, and other organic compounds that are found to be effective in treating unsightly stretch marks on the skin.

Active Ingredients
The main active ingredients that make this cream a potent solution are Regestril™, Emblica™ , Matrixyl 3000™, Algisium-C™ and Sweet Almond Oil.

  • Regestril™ is a combination of two peptides that stimulate repair on a damaged skin. It will obliterate visible stretch marks after a period of regular treatment.
  • Emblica™ is an ayurvedic extract from fruit found to improve skin tones. It will help keep the natural color of your skin while undergoing treatment.
  • Matrixyl 3000™, also a peptide, helps activate production of proteins such as collagen and elastin, which are responsible for making the skin supple. It also restores connective tissues that have been damaged.
  • Algisium-C™ is an extract essence from algae whose main component is silica, a chemical compound that helps in healing and smoothing out the surface of skin.
  • Sweet Almond Oil, rich in Omega 3, 6 and 9, lessens, if not completely eliminates, itching in skin. It also helps maintain the moisture level of your skin while undergoing treatment.
In addition to the above five major ingredients, MamaMio Goodbye Stretch Marks also contains more than two dozen minor ingredients and additives to enhance the treatment process. These include a battery of skin conditioning agents and emollients that help soothe or relax your skin while under treatment. It also contains important antioxidants such as Vitamins E and C to help nourish your skin during treatment.

What Goodbye Stretch Marks Cream Promises You?
Clinical tests suggest that MamaMio Goodbye Stretch Marks enhances the texture and color of your skin while eliminating those ugly stretch marks. Pregnant and nursing women need not worry about its application as it is totally safe to use. The cream works at its optimum when you apply it as soon as stretch marks start to appear on your skin. The sooner you treat your stretch marks, the better.

How does it work?
MamaMio Goodbye Stretch Marks promises to effectively improve the appearance of your skin after giving birth or undergoing cosmetic surgery after only regular use. Regular use means three times a day in a span of 12 weeks or roughly 3 months.

Are there any side effects? 

No side effects have so far been reported.

Who can use Goodbye Stretch Marks Cream?

MamaMio Goodbye Stretch Marks is designed for use in the removal of stretch marks on the skin of the abdomen, thighs, breasts and buttocks especially after giving birth or after massive weight loss. It can also be used by people after undergoing cosmetic surgery.

Directions for use
Simply put a small amount of MamaMio Goodbye Stretch Marks on your fingertip and run it lightly along each stretch mark to apply a thin coat of the cream. Application should be done three times a day on a regular basis for 12 weeks for optimum result.

MamaMio Goodbye Stretch Marks is generally safe to use even on pregnant and nursing women. Highly effective if used regularly as directed with no reported adverse affects from past and present users.

MamaMio Goodbye Stretch Marks is generally safe to use. However, people who have skin allergies on certain allergens derived from essential oils should use the product with caution.

Final Verdict

Based on a number of positive reviews from users, MamaMio Goodbye Stretch Marks Cream may look like the ultimate solution to remove those unsightly stretch marks. However, if you have sensitive skin, it’s better to find another product that won’t cause any allergic reaction on your skin.


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