Studies show that what and how much you eat are just as important as exercise. Have you been eating healthy as well as exercising but not losing weight? Perhaps it’s your lifestyle habits and stress that might be the culprit. Losing weight doesn’t have to be more complicated than it needs to be.
Actually, through proper knowledge and discipline through diet and exercise, weight loss can be actually simple and easy. Remember that not all healthy diet plan with work for exercise, so if your friend insists that you should cut out carbs or your gym buddy tells you to stop eating at 7 p.m., make sure to be mindful of what advice you take.
Here are 5 of the Best Tips for Weight Loss:
Eat Fiber, LOTS of it
Many are getting flabbier when they don’t consume enough fiber into their diet. Aim for at least 25 grams of fiber per day which you can easily find in fruits, vegetables, and whole grains. When Fiber comes with water in your digestive tract, it will make everything travel more quickly. This is because high fiber foods supply good amounts of bulk to your food without adding a large amount of calories. They will also keep your feeling satisfied and full longer, which will ultimately help you lose weight.
To prevent gas from excessive fiber, it is important to add slowly fiber to your diet. Remember not to have your entire daily fiber intake during one sitting, but to spread it throughout the day to keep you full. Just be sure to consume plenty of water.
Eat Carbs, But Only High-Quality Healthy Carbs
Aim for 45% of carbs for your daily calorie consumption. Some say carbs are bad for you when you are trying to lose weight, but they are essential in breaking down glucose, which becomes glycogen in the liver and muscles. Glycogen carries 3x as water weight. If you plan on a high carb diet, your body will store more water that it needs which will result in bloat and water weight gain.
Make sure to full up on fruits and vegetables for your daily fiber intake as these will promote better body cleansing. Avoid empty calories that are high carbs like snack cakes, fast food, cookies and candy – which only provide simple carbs and sodium and extremely low in nutrients and fiber.
Focus on a healthy balanced diet and eat at least 5 servings of veggies, 4 servings of fresh fruit, and 1 cup of whole grains per day. Don’t skip out on calories that contain healthy complex carbs, healthy fats, and lean protein. When your body doesn’t fulfill its daily calorie requirement of at least 1,800, you will end up lowering your metabolism which will result in bloating and weight gain.
Stay Hydrated and Drink, Drink, Drink
Many have the idea that drinking excessive amounts of water will make them bloated and soft around the midsection – but that is actually the opposite of the truth. Water helps to flush out eat sodium from the body that is the culprit of bloat. To find out if your body is hydrate, you can check the color and quantity of your urine. If the evidence has a high volume and light yellow, you’re well-hydrates, if the urine is dark – you’re likely to be thirst and very dehydrated.
Aim for more than 64 ounces of water a day. You can also try healthy weight loss drinks such as smoothies, fresh juices and herbal tea. Make sure to avoid soft drinks for soups that contain large amounts of sodium. Eat foods that are rich in water like vegetables, fruits, low-sodium drinks and soups – as you can easily consume half your required water intake by doing so.
Control Sodium Intake
Sodium has a bad reputation as too much of it will cause bloat. But it’s truly essential to regulate blood pressure and body fluids along with nutrient absorption, proper functions of the muscle, and even nerve transmission. The average woman requires only 500 mg of sodium per day as many of us consume more than 5 times that amount. Remember that were ever sodium goes, water is sure to follow. You will also notice the visible evidence the next with major bloating – though it is usually temporary.
Sodium is found in salt, take-out meals, and preservatives contained in processed foods. When you eat a high-sodium meal, your body will respond by retaining water which will result in a rise in blood pressure and edema. According to the American Heart Associate, you should consume no more than 1 teaspoon of salt a day. This is enough to replenish your body’s supply even after a sweaty workout.
Make sure to choose natural whole foods rather than French fries take-out and read the labels carefully as you stick to low-sodium brands.
Reduce Stress
Studies show that signs of stress activate the hormone cortisol that increases your hunger and sends fat to your abdomen. In order to reduce stress-eating make sure to keep your body moving. Cardio exercises are known to be especially effective in losing weight in the midsection area. Remember to relax when you start to feel stress building up. Simply take a few moments to take a deep breath and start over.
Remember never to skip out on breakfast or lunch as it will slower your metabolism. Try eating a heavy breakfast, medium lunch, and a light dinner to wake up with a flat tummy and better appetite for fiber-rich meals.
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