3 Ways Getting Rid of Stretch Marks Naturally
1. Fresh Water Treatment
Don’t underestimate the role of water to solve your stretch marks problem. In fact, getting rid of stretch marks naturally can be done by drinking a glass or two glasses of water daily. If you get used to do it, you can drink up to 10 glasses a day in several times. The function of water is to keep your skin hydrate, elastic, and soft. Moreover, it is also important for the detoxification process.
2. Egg White Treatment
If we talk about getting rid of stretch marks naturally, we can’t separate the role of egg white. This is concerning to the fact that egg white contains a lot of protein and amino acid. You just need to use the egg white from two eggs and apply it to the stretch mark gently. Just wait for a few minute to dry the egg white. Then, you can clean it by cold water and to make it perfect you can use olive oil. Just do the process daily up to 2 weeks to see the result.
3. Natural White Sugar Treatment
Probably, you don’t really believe but sugar helps you getting rid of stretch marks naturally. To treat the stretch problem, you just need to take two tablespoons of sugar. Then, you have to combine the sugar with lemon juice and almond oil. Just like egg white treatment, you have to apply to the stretch mark directly and regularly. Do it around 10 minutes a day before taking a bath.
The treatments above are various in time. You need to do the treatment from 2 weeks up to 1 month only to remove stretch mark but it is relatively safety.
1. Fresh Water Treatment

Don’t underestimate the role of water to solve your stretch marks problem. In fact, getting rid of stretch marks naturally can be done by drinking a glass or two glasses of water daily. If you get used to do it, you can drink up to 10 glasses a day in several times. The function of water is to keep your skin hydrate, elastic, and soft. Moreover, it is also important for the detoxification process.
2. Egg White Treatment

3. Natural White Sugar Treatment

Probably, you don’t really believe but sugar helps you getting rid of stretch marks naturally. To treat the stretch problem, you just need to take two tablespoons of sugar. Then, you have to combine the sugar with lemon juice and almond oil. Just like egg white treatment, you have to apply to the stretch mark directly and regularly. Do it around 10 minutes a day before taking a bath.
The treatments above are various in time. You need to do the treatment from 2 weeks up to 1 month only to remove stretch mark but it is relatively safety.